Athletic competition is inherently emotional, affecting fans, players, and coaches alike. The intensity of these emotions, even during uneven competitions, underscores the significant role coaches play in managing and guiding the emotional landscape of their athletes. Research, including a recent study by Kim et al. (2021), explores the dynamics of emotions in the coach-athlete relationship, revealing both positive and negative impacts.
The study by Kim et al. (2021) examines interpersonal emotion regulation (IER), examining how coaches influence their and their athletes' emotional well-being. It aimed to understand coaches' involvement in IER, their perceptions of athletes' emotions, and how these perceptions shape their approach to emotion regulation. The findings reveal that coaches value positive emotions highly and are less inclined to regulate negative ones. Their beliefs about emotions play a crucial role in their IER strategies, focusing on enhancing athletes' emotional states to optimize performance. Moreover, recognizing the individual emotional differences and preferences among athletes is vital for effective IER, pointing to the importance of adaptable and personalized emotion regulation strategies.
The insights from Kim et al. (2021) prompt an essential reflection for coaches: the role of emotions in their coaching practice. Despite the critical importance of emotions, they are often overlooked in coach development programs. I encourage all coaches to reflect on how we harness positive and negative emotions to benefit our athletes; it may be the difference between winning or losing a game.
Kim, J., Tamminen, K. A., Harris, C., & Sutherland, S. (2021). A mixed-method examination of coaches’ interpersonal emotion regulation toward athletes. International Sport Coaching Journal, 9(1), 111-121.